Friday, 1 January 2016

Sliding into 2016

Here we are, a new year is upon us. The last couple of years have flown by in a whirl of playdates, trips to the park, trips to the zoo, museums, indoor playgrounds, storytime at the library, the beach, a visit back home, and the precarious world of Los Angeles preschools. 

2015 was a year of firsts for Ananya; first steps, first words, first time down (and up) a slide. The list goes on. The ever-changing world with a toddler keeps me on my toes. She's enjoyed music and swim classes over the last year, and her pre-school toddler class is always fun. She was shy at first but soon warmed to the other toddlers, parents and teachers. Here she is playing at the 'flour' table, something I'm very happy is restricted to the school yard and not the kitchen floor ;) 

Having lived in LA for almost 4 years now, it’s given us time to appreciate what we miss about the London way of life. Los Angeles is so vast, that 'popping out' for a walk doesn't really get you very far. Things may change in early 2016, however, with the opening of a new Metro trainline which will connect Santa Monica to most of the LA boroughs. Although Ananya's not experienced the delights of the London Underground, we're hoping the LA Metro Line will become a regular travel fixture for us. We took the train to the California Science Center to see the space shuttle Endeavor, which was probably the closest the three of us will get to being in space...

Until the next update from us here in LA, happy new year to everyone reading!  

A gusty trip to the beach in October 2015.

At the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)